Sacred Grove Preserve
General Information:
​Legacy Tree: $6,000
Includes replanting of 100 trees monitored and guaranteed
Natural Tree Burial: $5,000
Natural Coastal Plain Meadow: $3,500
Cremation Burial: $1100
Natural Pet Burial: $350
Pet Cremation Burial: $150
0% Prepayment Plans Available
Price Includes:
Plot based on the chosen location
Opening and closing of the grave
Memorial stone engraved and with dates
Restoration of grave with native plants
GIS Mapping
Use of Tobacco Barn Church and Grounds access
Contribution to long-term restoration and maintenance fund
Golf Carts for service
Price does not include separate fees performed by the funeral home
Additional Options (Available Upon Request):
Tree Planting
Memorial bench
Commemorative Planting
Payment Options:
We accept cash, check, and major credit cards.
Payment plans available upon request.
Terms and Conditions:
Prices are subject to change without notice.
Prices are for interment services only and do not include funeral home charges or other associated costs.
Please inquire about special arrangements, family plots, and customization options.
Ashes are mixed with an enzyme supplement from let your love grow that allows the cremated remains become soil. No additional container is needed and mixing can take place by staff, family or friend.
Contact Information: For inquiries, reservations, or to schedule a visit, please contact
Sacred Grove:
Phone: 843-670-4835
Address: 957 Bogey Lane St. Stephen SC 29479
Prices effective as of 10/01/24